The truth is, I didn’t start TruFoo Juice Bar, solely, out of the love of healthy stuff. It was following a general feeling of discontent with my work-life and the direction I was heading that planted the seed. I thought there has got to be something more fulfilling in life than this right? So I decided to do something about it.
I have always had an interest in healthy living and my lifestyle reflected this. I had given up smoking and drinking years ago, I liked to read articles on the right things to eat and enjoyed exercise. I had also been making smoothies and juices for years and knew the right combinations and enjoyed experimenting with different flavors. This is when I decided, why not start something I love doing. So that’s what I did, I decided to start a mobile juice bar.
Starting out was challenging as I had very little money. What I did have was a real passion for the products I was creating; a drive to succeed, and an obsession to do things well (and the support from my loving partner and friends). We made some mistakes along the way (I will not bore you with the details) but after a lot of perseverance and quick learning, things started to take off. Our juices and smoothies began to go down a treat and things have gone from strength to strength.
We continue to love what we do and are a growing business. We have some exciting plans going forward and hope our customers can be a part of this.
Thank you for taking the time to read our story.
Gavin & the team
Our Values
Keep it simple
Life is complex enough as it is right, so why add more complexity. We aim to make our products as simple as possible. Nothing added and nothing is taken away just natural and fresh ingredients.
Add value
Whatever we do, we try to think, "how will this help someone?" In practice this means we create products and services that contribute to your overall health and well-being.
We will always aim to be transparent with our customers. From our simple pricing structure to the ingredients we use and how our products are made.
We never compromise on quality. Our philosophy is if it is worth doing, it is worth doing well.